University of Alaska Internship

This blog is to account for a 2 week internship to be served at the Centre of Distance Education (CDE), University of Alaska, Fairbanks. This internship has been greatly supported by CDE & participants are Anare Tuitoga, Neelam Narayan and Alanieta Lesuma-Fatiaki.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Printing in CDE

CDE sends all its books to the UAF Printery located on the main campus for printing. This is entirely done electronically through email & files are send in PDF format. Occassionally files are written on CDs & submitted to the printery. Each course has its own cover & all books are thermally bound. A print course package may include an Instructor's Syllabus (I&A), Study Guide (Course Book) & Reader. The printery archives all files sent from CDE on a server & whether reprints are required this is simply downloaded from the server for printing. This arrangement is very appropriate for them because they have their own university printery. Perhaps this is something that USP can explore??


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